Thursday, March 8, 2007

Because i can

im posting again. Basically to keep myself updated on whats going on in ITGS right now. So. a couple of classes ago we started looking a Google earth. Now, i had heard of this program before and i had seen other people use it, but i had never actually tried it out for myself. so a couple of classes ago thats what i did. And really its so cool! i mean, that i can type in the name of my highschool and it shows me a picture(relatively recent)of it. AND you can tag/pin a particular place and then it will take you back there! Sorry i just found this a little exciting.

Along with Google earth we've also been looking/ learning about News feeds. Which i also found very interesting, because, lets just say, im not exactly the most 'techy' person. so a lot of this was new to me. I mean i had heard of it, but didnt really know what it meant...or honestly why i cared:). but when we started actually using them in class, they really are cool, and so easy. I mean, i love tech in the news like i said. But its kinda aggravating trying to remember all the sites that we can look at, and then trying to decide what to look at first...anyways. The news feeds solve all those problems for me because now i can just click on the orange feed button and ta-da! there's all my fun tech news websites. AND it lets me know in a much more convenient way whether the sites have been updated since i last looked at them. Im just sayin, its pretty cool. I enjoy it.

Finally, i'll give a little update on what ive found thats fun in tech news lately. One of my fav sites to check is Engadget. So on Engadget today they introduced a new video conferencing robot. So when the boss is out of the office, he can still be there through this five foot eight inch robot. Slightly disturbing but still pretty cool. So that was the tech news that caught my attention today. more later i guess cause class is over.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Yeah Anna I agree with you. Google Earth is really cool especially if you have never tried it before! I sure know what that was like! Hehehe... Anyways, check out Google Earth now! At least the updated version... It's gotten even better!!